- 抵达柬埔寨之前,认真学习柬埔寨的法律法规和风俗禁忌,确保自身行为不触碰法律底线。
- 提高防范意识,不参与任何非法活动,不受不法分子的引诱或威胁。
- 在公共场所保持礼貌,避免大声喧哗或不文明行为。
- 尊重柬埔寨宗教信仰,进入寺庙等宗教场所时应衣着得体,表现出足够的敬意。
- 学习一些简单的高棉语问候语,以增进与当地居民的交流和友好关系。
- 在柬经商或工作时,以诚信为本,不欺骗、不损害他人利益,维护商业道德。
- 参与公益活动,为柬埔寨社会做出力所能及的贡献,传递中国人的友善和正能量。
- 在社交媒体上理性发声,避免传播不实信息或引发不必要的争论。
- 主动纠正身边人的不当行为,共同维护中国公民的形象。
- 在遭遇矛盾和冲突时,冷静处理,理性沟通,必要时寻求当地警方或中国驻柬使领馆的帮助。
- 做到慎交友,远离可能涉及违法犯罪的人员或组织,避免因轻信而卷入不良事件。
[Hi’s Call for Action] Guidelines for Chinese Nationals in Cambodia: Self-Discipline Is a Must
Recently, Cambodia has witnessed several heinous crimes involving Chinese nationals, such as the shocking dismemberment case in Poipet. These incidents have not only alarmed local and international communities but also severely tarnished the overall image of Chinese nationals and strained the friendly relations between China and Cambodia. These events expose a lack of legal awareness and self-discipline among certain Chinese nationals abroad, thereby adversely affecting China’s international reputation. In light of this, we at [Hi] appeal to all Chinese nationals in Cambodia to adhere to the following guidelines and work together to establish and maintain a positive international image for the Chinese people.
1. Respect Local Laws and Be Law-Abiding Citizens
When in a foreign country, every Chinese national must strictly abide by its laws and regulations. Cambodia is a country governed by the rule of law, and both locals and foreigners are expected to operate within its legal framework. Any form of illegal behavior—be it theft, fraud, violence, or other crimes—will face severe legal consequences. Moreover, such actions damage the collective image of Chinese nationals and create unnecessary difficulties for future visitors.
- Before arriving in Cambodia, familiarize yourself with its laws and cultural taboos to ensure your actions do not cross legal boundaries.
- Stay vigilant and avoid participating in illegal activities or falling prey to criminal schemes.
2. Respect Local Customs and Showcase Chinese Civility
Cambodia is a country with a rich history and unique culture. As visitors, we must respect its customs and traditions. Polite and considerate behavior reflects personal qualities; only by respecting others can we earn respect in return.
- Maintain courtesy in public places and avoid loud or inappropriate behavior.
- Respect Cambodian religious beliefs by dressing appropriately and showing due reverence in religious sites like temples.
- Learn a few basic Khmer greetings to foster better communication and relationships with local residents.
3. Uphold Chinese Virtues and Spread Positive Energy
Chinese people have long been known for their diligence, kindness, integrity, and courage. These virtues are our cultural heritage. As Chinese nationals abroad, we shoulder the responsibility of promoting Chinese culture and telling China’s story well.
- Conduct business or work in Cambodia with honesty and integrity, avoiding deception or harm to others’ interests.
- Participate in community service to contribute to Cambodian society and convey the friendliness and goodwill of the Chinese people.
- Speak responsibly on social media, refraining from spreading false information or inciting unnecessary debates.
4. Protect the Collective Image of Chinese Nationals
The occurrence of heinous crimes does not represent the majority of Chinese nationals, but the misconduct of a few can tarnish the image of the entire group. Therefore, each of us must act as a “Chinese ambassador,” demonstrating the good qualities of our people through our actions.
- Proactively correct inappropriate behavior among peers and collectively safeguard the image of Chinese nationals.
- Handle conflicts and disputes calmly and rationally, seeking assistance from local police or the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia when necessary.
- Be cautious when forming relationships, steering clear of individuals or organizations involved in illegal activities to avoid unwitting entanglement in undesirable events.
5. Foster a Win-Win Mindset and Strengthen Sino-Cambodian Friendship
China and Cambodia share a longstanding relationship, with cooperation deepening in various fields such as economy and culture. The actions of every Chinese national in Cambodia, however small, influence the future of Sino-Cambodian relations. Thus, we must approach these relations with a broad perspective and long-term vision, striving to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.
Living abroad is both a challenge and a responsibility. We hope every Chinese national can serve as a bridge for Sino-Cambodian friendship and contribute to China’s global image through their actions. Let us start now, with ourselves, practicing self-discipline, traveling with civility, and collectively showcasing the positive image of Chinese people. Together, we can tell China’s story and amplify China’s voice to the world!
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